Search Engine Optimisation is the art and science of making websites more attractive to the hard-working Google, Yahoo! and Bing search engines.
SEO specialists like us know how to attract their attention by carefully incorporating key words or phrases into the HTML code behind your website, as well as on actual pages within the site.
When someone types these keywords into a search window it sends the search robots into a tailspin looking for websites that not only feature them, but present them in the right places.
Search engines also look at other features of websites before they make their final rankings and display the search results for you, but keywords are critical.
SEO aims to get your website onto page 1 of the search results. This can take a little time, but it’s well worth it.
Once your website is on page 1 of Google, you’ll begin to get more visitors to your website. These people are not only looking for your brand name, but more importantly, they’re looking for the product or service you provide.
These visitors are warm leads, achieved without any cold calling or networking on your behalf. Converting these leads should be easy with a well presented website and a great product or service offering.
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